Friday 23 August 2013

Exclusive: My Penguin 1.2's 3D Penguins and Puffles Sneak Peek Video

As you all know already that Club Penguin's next version of the My Penguin app is containing 3D penguins from Spike Hike's announcement post and sneak peek video, here's a leaked video which someone found and decided to share on YouTube which shows us even more 3D Penguins and even Puffles in 3D that will be available at this party. It also shows us some of them being worked on by a designer! Check it out:
Wow! The puffles look cool but their teeth are a bit weird. Are you excited for the 3D interactivity of the next My Penguin app version? You can tell us by leaving a comment in the comments section below!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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