Saturday 31 August 2013

Club Penguin Exclusive: Rockhopper and Yarr Getting A New Look And ARE Visiting During The Medieval Party 2013

Recently Saraapril posted the cover of the latest Club Penguin Portuguese Magazine which is known as 'Club Penguin A Revista' in Portuguese! What I wanted to point out other than that this issue of the magazine was released is that inside the magazine it was confirmed that Rockhopper and Yarr and getting a new look and will visit the island during September's Medieval Party 2013. Many of you didn't expect this to happen, but it IS confirmed and IS true. Have a look at Rockhopper's and Yarr's new look on the magazine's cover:

Yarr didn't get much updated but Rockhopper got totally updated with a longer and darker bread, new suit, and the new penguin style. So, are you looking forward for Rockhopper's and Yarr's next visit to the island? What do you think they have to do with the Medieval Party 2013? Make sure to tell us by leaving a comment below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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