Saturday 31 August 2013

Club Penguin #MyPenguin App Home Page Sliders, Home Page Widgets, and Video

Club Penguin has released a new update for their My Penguin app today and in order to grab the attention of many of their players, they decided to add a new Home Page slider promoting one of the new features of the new update of the My Penguin app which is 'Customizing Igloos on the go!'. Have a look:

There's also a new Home Page widget added to promote the new version of this app which links to...

... a video about this new update of the My Penguin app!

What do you think of the new Home Page slider, widget, and video promoting the new version of the My Penguin app? What do you think of the new version of the app? Make sure to comment with with your thoughts!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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