Monday 19 August 2013

Club Penguin Blog: #WaddleOn Suggestions

Club Penguin has been recently recording and uploading a comedy sketch video called #WaddleOn with lots of episodes that come out every Friday! And for the next upcoming episodes, Polo Field posted some sneak peeks which are 3. The first is an x-ray penguin beside an x-ray machine, the second is something related to Cow jumping though a ring of flames, and the final is Herbert meeting Herbert. Check them out:
Hey Penguins!
Here are some possible ideas the team has for upcoming episodes of #WaddleOn... What do you think would happen in these scenes?

-Club Penguin Team
What are your thoughts on each of those 3 new sneak peeks? Don't forget to comment with your thoughts in the comments section below!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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