Friday 23 August 2013

Club Penguin Magazine Issue 21 Now On Sale In The UK - September's Party Revealed!

Club Penguin's monthly magazine, known as the Club penguin Magazine, has a brand new issue which is the 21st and is now on sale in the UK! Check out the magazine's cover: (Thanks to Trainman1405 and Spydar007 for all the magazine pictures and table of contents)
Here is the table of contents for this month:
  • Page 1 – Front Cover
  • Page 2 – Disney Planes Sticker Collection Advert
  • Page 3 – Welcome New Students!
  • Page 4 – Club penguin University
  • Page 5 – C.P.T.V., Fashion4U, CP Mag’s Online Party!
  • Pages 6, 7 + 8 – ‘Snow Friend of Mine!’ Comic Part 1
  • Page 9 – Cadence’s Catwalk
  • Pages 10 + 11 – What’s your student style?
  • Pages 12 + 13 – Gary’s Excellent Experiments
  • Page 14 – Penguin Pen Toppers!
  • Page 15 – Speak Pirate with Rockhopper!
  • Page 16 – Cool Cribs!
  • Page 17 – Poster 1
  • Pages 18 + 19 – Poster 2
  • Page 20 – Poster 3
  • Pages 21, 22 + 23 – ‘Snow Friend of Mine!’ Comic Part 2
  • Pages 24 + 25 – The Mean Green Dragon!
  • Page 26 – Rookiepedia
  • Page 27 – MU Sticker Collection Advert
  • Pages 28 + 29 – PH’s Puffle Prefects!
  • Page 30 – ‘Hold The Front Page!’ Comic
  • Page 31 – Subscribe Today!
  • Pages 32 + 33 – Aunt Arctic’s Puffle Paintings!
  • Page 34 – Class President!
  • Page 35 – Answers!, Credits, Next Issue…
  • Page 36 – Back Cover – Poster 4
Here are the free items of this month's issue which are school related:


A parachute penguin also comes out with this issue.
Here are some pages of the magazine if you're interested:
As for the next issue, it's going to be a Medieval special meaning that next month's party IS the Medieval Party not the Fall Fair. A Gadget Grabber also comes out with next month's issue. As for the free items, they're a free puffle hat and Treasure Book code!
The next magazine issue, issue 22, will be able on sale on September 19th! Are you excited for it? What part of the magazine are you looking to read the most? Make sure to comment below with your answers, thoughts, and opinions.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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