Sunday 8 September 2013

Minor Club Penguin Updates Of The Week Commencing September 5th, 2013

The first minor Club Penguin update of this week is the addition of 4 old postcards to the Postcards Catalogue for you to send them out to your friends around the island.

A second minor update includes brand new Home Page slider, log off screen, and log in screen which all show Rockhopper and Yarr looking at a magic potions book they found. It's related to the Medieval Party 2013.

As for the third update, there's a new Home Page widget which makes you listen to the new Club Penguin song, Party In My Iggy or even download it for FREE!

There's another new Home Page widget which only appears for those who don't have the My Penguin app available in their country! It's about the new Penguin Style Catalogue which features medieval styles for members. Have a look:

The fourth update is the return of the My Penguin website background to Club Penguin's home page and other pages too!

And the fifth and final minor update includes a new bubble which shows up on your Puffle when it's searching for coins in a spot. If an X sign appeared over the bad of coins in the Puffle's bubble, then it didn't find any coins in this spot. (Credits to Trainman1405 for the image below)

Screen Shot 2013-09-04 at 11.48.28 PM

So for this new week, which minor update do you think was worth being found and why? Do you like the weekly minor updates which Club Penguin makes or do you think they're just a waste of time for them? Make sure to comment below with all your thoughts and what you have to say! 
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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