Tuesday 3 September 2013

Club Penguin's Penguin Of The Day: Ponywell 222

It's time for the next POTD. Today's Penguin Of The Day is..... Ponywell 222! Congratulations! This penguin makes every day an adventure, is super nice, and likes to make awesome jokes. Best POTD ever!
Hiya! For Ponywell 222 every day is an adventure! She's a super-duper nice penguin who makes her friends LOL by telling lots of jokes. Here's one of mine you can use... Q: What's brown and sticky? A: A stick, of course! :D
Contact Us and tell us your penguin of the day nominations. Byeee! -Club Penguin Team
This penguin loves to make her friends laugh, is super-duper nice, and likes to make every day an adventure! Do you think she deserves to be the POTD today? I do! Tell us your thoughts on today's POTD below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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