Sunday 8 September 2013

Minor Club Penguin Updates: Martial Artworks Catalogue + New Activating A Penguin Screen

There are 2 new minor Club Penguin updates for this week which I spotted a few seconds ago! The first minor Club Penguin update is an update to the Martial Artworks Catalogue which now shows a button that only appears to the page where you buy Power Cards from the catalogue. This is what the catalogue looks like now with this update:

Here's a closer look on the new button:

Clicking on it will let you view your Power Cards.

There's something new also in the Power Cards viewer which is the addition of 2 new buttons at the bottom of it. One of them links to the unlocking items page to unlock a Power Card, and another links back to the catalogue's Power Cards page.

The second minor update is a new screen that appears when activating a new Penguin.

What do you think of the 2 newly discovered minor updates? Comment below with all your thoughts!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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