Sunday 8 September 2013

Club Penguin September 2013 Penguin Style Catalogue Cheats

Another new edition of Club Penguin's Penguin Style Catalogue was released today for this brand new month featuring back to school costumes and lots of Medieval Party 2013 costumes to get in style for both school and the party! There's also a many hidden items, and the pages of this catalogue weren't wasted like some previous catalogue's of this year. Check out the cover of this month's Penguin Style Catalogue:

There are 2 new backgrounds and 2 old returning ones.

Let's begin with the catalogue's newly added pages, here they're all:

The Penguins At Work page got updated with the Blacksmith Apron.

As for the hidden items, you can find them in the locations below.

Click on the hair of the Penguin in the page below for the Blue Shield item. It costs 350 coins.

You can buy the King's Blue Crown head item for 200 coins, and it can be found by clicking on the King's Crown item.

Clicking the King's Sceptor will make the Faery Wings item appear. It costs 350 coins.

Flip to the page shown below and then click on the castle under the membership badge on the top left of the page below for the Yellow Shield item to appear. Its cost is 350 coins.

Click on The Damsel head item for the Red Shield item to appear giving you the ability to buy it for 350 coins.

Flip to the villager's page and then click on the shovel he's holding for the Purple Butterfly Wings item which costs 400 coins to appear.

On the 2 pates below you can find 3 hidden items! To find the Sapphire Princess Hat (300 coins) and the Maiden's Gown (425 coins), click on The Snow Princess head item.

And finally, you can find the Nautical Boots by simply clicking on the Knighty Helmet head item. The Nautical Boots cost 275 coins only.

Which item for the many new ones is your favourite? Do you like it how Club Penguin decided to have lots of hidden and unhidden items in this catalogue? Make sure to leave us your thoughts in the comments below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

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