Sunday 2 June 2013

Shadow Ninja Suit revealed!

Today I found some cool Shadow Ninja Pictures. To be honest i didn't even know about shadow ninjas until i looked at Saraaprils site and Monchochos website the links will be below. If you guys haven't noticed in the Ninja amulet there are 2 diamonds missing one is the snow ninja and one is  the on in the middle. This might be the shadow ninja diamond. Here is an image from Monchochos website.
This looks awesome thanks Monchocho!
 Also Saraapril  has a lot  of the individual items as well with a animation of how the ninja special dance will be like. I am only aloud to copy one item but if you would like to see all of the items just check out her site.
This item is called the Nightfall Coat the items are: Night Fall coat, Shade sandals, Helmet of shadows, Midnight Mask. If you liked this post just leave a comment.
Waddle on!
-Ello 4576

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