Wednesday 5 June 2013

Club Penguin Times Issue #398 – Scare Games Announced!

Hey Penguins! Club Penguin has released a new newspaper! This is their 6th of June edition. This is the twenty third issue of 2013 and brings us to a total of 398 published newspaper issues.
The main headline is this week’s newspaper is about the Scare Games.
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The second main article in the newspaper is about Card-Jitsu Snow. It talks about the three elements being balanced.
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Here are the upcoming events: (“on now” does not mean upcoming, Club Penguin!!)
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The upcoming events listed in this newspaper issue are:
  • June 13 – New Pin
  • June 13 – June 2013 Furniture Catalogue (sneak peek above!)
  • June 27 – New Pin
Credit to Trainman1405 for the pictures!

Waddle on!

-Ello 4576

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