Monday 3 June 2013

Could We Be Going To Rockhopper Island In July 2013?

Hello Penguins!
Most of you probably went “WHAT?” or “That’ll never happen” when you saw the title to this post. However, it is possible that we’ll be going to Rockhopper’s Island in July 2013. As Spike Hike said in his post a few days ago (click here to see it), we’ll be going to “new places… new worlds… even new dimensions”. The “new worlds” could be Monsters University, coming in June 2013, as we go to the world of Monsters. New dimensions could be a discovery in the Box Dimension, or a totally new dimension. What about “new places”?

Taking that into account, have a look at this tweet that Spike Hike made 15 hours ago, as of making this post.

When Spike Hike has tweeted things like this in the past it has usually been a teaser of what’s yet to come to the island however he never gives anything away – like in the above tweet. Perhaps he’s getting ideas of what to add in Rockhopper’s island through the responses to these tweets. I haven’t convinced you that we might be going to Rockhopper’s Island in July? Then take a look at this picture from the latest magazine issue in the United Kingdom – issue 18 – which was released on Thursday!

The above picture is advertising that the Overflowing Suitcase is going to be in the next issue of the Club Penguin United Kingdom Magazine – the issue for July. This suggests that we’ll be travelling somewhere (Rockhopper’s Island?) in July. The magazine for July is going to be a  Holiday Special. When you go on holiday, you usually go to hot and sandy places. Wait a minute! Rockhopper’s island is hot and sandy! See how it all links up? We did get close to Rockhopper’s Island in the February 2012 party: Rockhopper’s Quest - we could see it from Shipwreck island when lightning occurred.

Well, what do you think? Do you think that we’ll be going to Rockhopper’s Island in July 2013? Or do you think that it’s just me being hopeful for the future? Let us know in the comments – I’ll be reading all your comments!

Waddle on!

-Ello 4576

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