Tuesday 17 September 2013

Leaving CP

Hey guys! Me ( Ello 4576) and Smelly Max are leaving Club Penguin. We are not going for good but we aren't going to go on it a lot now. We will be on it when there is parties. We are in High School now so we are moving on. See you guys soon! :)

Always Waddle On!!!

-Smelly Max and Ello 4576

Sunday 8 September 2013

Club Penguin's #WaddleOn Episode 9 Is Now Released

Looking for something to laugh at and enjoy your time? Then I have good news for you... Episode 9 of #WaddleOn was just released and uploaded to Club Penguin's channel on YouTube for us to enjoy, and for sure, LAUGH
Did you enjoy it? What do you like best about this episode and what to do you like least and why? Make sure to comment below with all your thoughts and answers to our questions! You can comment with just 'hahahahaha' or 'lol'. Just DO comment! :P
Waddle On!
Smelly Max

Limited Medieval Party 2013 Items Now In My Penguin!

A few seconds ago when I was playing with the My Penguin app, I noticed that the Penguin Style Catalogue of September 2013 was added to the app! And guess what? It contains 2 limited medieval items which will be removed by the end of the Medieval Party 2013. All the other pages of the catalogue are the same as from the online ClubPenguin. Have a look at the limited items below and ignore the text bug on the yellow membership message on the top left.

What are your thoughts on these limited Medieval Party items? Do you like them? Make sure to tell us your thoughts on it by commenting in the comments section below!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin Blog: Rockhopper - Coming Close

Guess what? Rockhopper is finally sailing towards Club Penguin's island, and is almost here! And if you were one of those who didn't know about his close arrival, then you have to check out Polo Field's latest blog post below which tells us about Rockhopper's close arrival.
Heads up!
We've got some updates coming tonight. Looks like the Migrator is getting closer! What do you think Rockhopper is bringing this time?
-Club Penguin Team
Wow! I really can't wait to meet Rockhopper for a whole week after a BUNCH of weeks of waiting! What about you? Tell us by commenting in the comments section below with all what you've got to say!
Smelly Max 
Waddle On!

How To Still Access Big Momma’s and Surfing Room Cheat

Another party just ended, and just like always you can still access the special party rooms of this party with a little cheat! The rooms that you can still access are Big Momma's, Big Momma's Backstage, and the Surfing Wave. Please note that you might get banned if you tried to buy any item from the party's catalogue of if your tried to collect the free item at the Surfing Wave! Also note that in the 3 of these rooms you'll be hearing Operation: Blackout's song, just ignore it and have fun with the cheat.

To access Big Momma's, log in to Club Penguin with this link. You can go to the backstage by walking to it from Big Momma's! As for the Surfing Wave, you'll need to log in to Club Penguin with this link.

What do you think of this cool cheat? Make sure to enjoy it while it lasts! Don't forget to comment below with your thoughts on it.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Minor Club Penguin Updates Of The Week Commencing September 5th, 2013

The first minor Club Penguin update of this week is the addition of 4 old postcards to the Postcards Catalogue for you to send them out to your friends around the island.

A second minor update includes brand new Home Page slider, log off screen, and log in screen which all show Rockhopper and Yarr looking at a magic potions book they found. It's related to the Medieval Party 2013.

As for the third update, there's a new Home Page widget which makes you listen to the new Club Penguin song, Party In My Iggy or even download it for FREE!

There's another new Home Page widget which only appears for those who don't have the My Penguin app available in their country! It's about the new Penguin Style Catalogue which features medieval styles for members. Have a look:

The fourth update is the return of the My Penguin website background to Club Penguin's home page and other pages too!

And the fifth and final minor update includes a new bubble which shows up on your Puffle when it's searching for coins in a spot. If an X sign appeared over the bad of coins in the Puffle's bubble, then it didn't find any coins in this spot. (Credits to Trainman1405 for the image below)

Screen Shot 2013-09-04 at 11.48.28 PM

So for this new week, which minor update do you think was worth being found and why? Do you like the weekly minor updates which Club Penguin makes or do you think they're just a waste of time for them? Make sure to comment below with all your thoughts and what you have to say! 
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin September 2013 Penguin Style Catalogue Cheats

Another new edition of Club Penguin's Penguin Style Catalogue was released today for this brand new month featuring back to school costumes and lots of Medieval Party 2013 costumes to get in style for both school and the party! There's also a many hidden items, and the pages of this catalogue weren't wasted like some previous catalogue's of this year. Check out the cover of this month's Penguin Style Catalogue:

There are 2 new backgrounds and 2 old returning ones.

Let's begin with the catalogue's newly added pages, here they're all:

The Penguins At Work page got updated with the Blacksmith Apron.

As for the hidden items, you can find them in the locations below.

Click on the hair of the Penguin in the page below for the Blue Shield item. It costs 350 coins.

You can buy the King's Blue Crown head item for 200 coins, and it can be found by clicking on the King's Crown item.

Clicking the King's Sceptor will make the Faery Wings item appear. It costs 350 coins.

Flip to the page shown below and then click on the castle under the membership badge on the top left of the page below for the Yellow Shield item to appear. Its cost is 350 coins.

Click on The Damsel head item for the Red Shield item to appear giving you the ability to buy it for 350 coins.

Flip to the villager's page and then click on the shovel he's holding for the Purple Butterfly Wings item which costs 400 coins to appear.

On the 2 pates below you can find 3 hidden items! To find the Sapphire Princess Hat (300 coins) and the Maiden's Gown (425 coins), click on The Snow Princess head item.

And finally, you can find the Nautical Boots by simply clicking on the Knighty Helmet head item. The Nautical Boots cost 275 coins only.

Which item for the many new ones is your favourite? Do you like it how Club Penguin decided to have lots of hidden and unhidden items in this catalogue? Make sure to leave us your thoughts in the comments below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin's Cove Gets Renovated

Another Club Penguin room was just renovated since Club Penguin started giving most of their rooms a brand new look in the beginning of December 2012! For this time, the room is the Cove and it looks like this with the new renovated look:

It seriously looks so awesome and better than the old design although I'm used to the old one! I guess that I need to get used to this new one now although I was used for that old design for 6 years. Anyway, comment below with what you have to say about this new renovated room.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

New Coconut Smoothie Pin Is Now Hidden

A brand new Club Penguin Pin was just released and is now hidden somewhere around the island! The pin is called the Coconut Smoothie and can be found at the Hidden Lake. It's the 7th Pin to get hidden in this particular room!

Do you like this new Pin? What are your thoughts on it? Make sure to tell us your thoughts in the comments section below seeing that we're always looking forward to hear from you!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin Times Issue 411 – Avast! Thar Be a Migrator

Today is Thursday! With this day here, a new issue of the Club Penguin Times is out. It's the 411th issue to get published since Aunt Arctic started doing so. This issue talks about Rockhopper and the Medieval Party 2013!

Firstly, it talks about Rockhopper's close arrival to the island.

Secondly, Gary announces that the Medieval Party 2013 will be about magic!

And like always, here are the upcoming events:

What do you think of this issue of the Club Penguin Times? What about the upcoming events? Tell
us in the comments section below!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin Poll Update: Summer Jam hangout?

Club Penguin just gave their poll, aka Penguin Poll a new update with a brand new question that asks something related to last week's poll question and, for sure, the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam Party 2013! The question is: 'Where's your Summer Jam hangout?', and here's the poll:

So far, the option 'Big Momma's' is for the win!

Where's YOUR Summer Jam hangout? Why? Make sure to leave us your answers in the comments section below. Don't forget to cast your vote on the Penguin Poll too!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Minor Club Penguin Updates: Martial Artworks Catalogue + New Activating A Penguin Screen

There are 2 new minor Club Penguin updates for this week which I spotted a few seconds ago! The first minor Club Penguin update is an update to the Martial Artworks Catalogue which now shows a button that only appears to the page where you buy Power Cards from the catalogue. This is what the catalogue looks like now with this update:

Here's a closer look on the new button:

Clicking on it will let you view your Power Cards.

There's something new also in the Power Cards viewer which is the addition of 2 new buttons at the bottom of it. One of them links to the unlocking items page to unlock a Power Card, and another links back to the catalogue's Power Cards page.

The second minor update is a new screen that appears when activating a new Penguin.

What do you think of the 2 newly discovered minor updates? Comment below with all your thoughts!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin's Penguin of the Day: Frostballer7

Check out today's Penguin Of The Day, Frostballer7 who was featured for today for being a great friend who cheers you up when you're down, hosts loads of aweosme igloo parties, owns a RAD igloo, and much more reasons that you can know by reading Daffodaily5's post below.

If you’re looking for a friend to cheer you up when you’re down, to host loads of awesome igloo parties, someone who has a passion for fashion AND loves hanging out with puffles... then Frostballer7 is your guy! :)

Do you know someone who is just AWESOME? Contact Us and let us know why. Every successful POTD gets 5000 coins!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

EXCLUSIVE SPOILER: Upcoming Club Penguin Medieval Party 2013 Costumes REVEALED!

You probably heard that the next Club Penguin party is going to be the Medieval Party 2013 with all new costumes, new quest, new rooms, and everything else new! Since the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam is still going on, we didn't and won't be hearing anything about the Medieval Party until it ends. But don't worry, as I've got 2 exclusive unreleased costumes of the Medieval Party 2013 that will available on sale during it in its party catalogue to show you if you'd like to get excited for the party or have an idea about what to come! Have a look below at the 2 costumes.

That's not all! It was confirmed to me by Club Penguin support that the king costume is returning. There are many coloured king costumes, but they only told me that the 'red' one is returning so I'm not sure about the others! (they did NOT confirm that the other coloured king costumes will or won't come; it stays a mystery) What are your thoughts on those 2 unreleased Medieval Party 2013 costumes? Are you excited for the party? I'm sure we'll hear lots more about the party very soon!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin September 2013 Parent Update Newsletter

Club Penguin are now sending out their monthly Parent Update Newsletter to all registered emails in the game - Club Penguin! This newsletter is the one of this month, September 2013 and is being sent out really early to promote the My Penguin 1.2. Have a look at it: (Credits to Saraapril for the image below)

What do you think of this month's early newsletter? Don't forget to leave us your thoughts in the comments section below!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin September 2013 Paychecks

Club Penguin just started sending out paychecks to all the hardworking Penguins who kept the island safe this whole month by joining the EPF team, and to those who gave tours around the island to new Penguins as tour guides.

EPF Agents get payed with 350 coins.

Tour Guides get paid with 250 coins.

On what are you willing to spend your 600 coins? Make sure to tell us by leaving a comment in the comments section below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin's Penguin Of The Day: Ponywell 222

It's time for the next POTD. Today's Penguin Of The Day is..... Ponywell 222! Congratulations! This penguin makes every day an adventure, is super nice, and likes to make awesome jokes. Best POTD ever!
Hiya! For Ponywell 222 every day is an adventure! She's a super-duper nice penguin who makes her friends LOL by telling lots of jokes. Here's one of mine you can use... Q: What's brown and sticky? A: A stick, of course! :D
Contact Us and tell us your penguin of the day nominations. Byeee! -Club Penguin Team
This penguin loves to make her friends laugh, is super-duper nice, and likes to make every day an adventure! Do you think she deserves to be the POTD today? I do! Tell us your thoughts on today's POTD below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Saturday 31 August 2013

Club Penguin EPF Message By Rookie - August 29, 2013

There's a brand new EPF message sent out to all agents around the island by silly Rookie in which he tells us a nonsense message as usual. Check it out:

What do you think of Rookie's pointless and silly messages? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

SPOILER: Unreleased Treasure Book Unlockable Items

An update to the Treasure Book is coming out really soon and if you're too excited for the BUNCH of new items, you can have a look at the below. (Credits to Saraapril for all the images below)

What do you think of all those cool items? When do you think the Treasure Book will get updated next to contain those bunch of cool items? Make sure to leave us all your thoughts in the comments section below!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!