Friday 26 July 2013

SPOILER: Unreleased Star Wars Takeover Rooms, Maps, and Darth Herbert's In-Game Look

As you all know, that at the 1st of August you can visit the Death Star. I have decided to share some of the Sneak peaks with you. The rooms that I have found look very interesting and looks like there's going to be a mini game at the Death Star. Here are all the upcoming rooms of the Death Star that will be accessible starting August 1st:

On August 8th we'll be able to fly to planet Yavin 4 which is just 2 rooms shown below.

Each of the 2 planet doesn't only have rooms, but also a map. Here's the Death Star's map: (Credits to Perapin for both maps)

Here's the Yavin 4 planet's map:

And finally, here's what Darth Herbert while look like in-game when he starts visiting on the 1st of August: (Credits to Perapin again)

What do you think of the unreleased rooms, maps, and Darth Herbert's avatar? Make sure to tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below with is where comments belong!
Smelly Max
Waddle On!

Club Penguin Magazine Issue 20 On Sale In The UK!

Club Penguin Magazine's Issue 20 is now on sale in the UK's stores and for sure other countries but mainly in the UK where I live. Check out the current magazine issue's cool cover:

The table of contents listed in this magazine issue are:

  • New Puffle Actions
  • The Really Wise Words of Sensei
  • C.P.T.V.
  • Fashion 4 U: Circus Style!
  • Invitation: Star Wars Takeover
  • Penguin Comic: Captain Redbeard's Treasure
  • Rookie's Random Outfits
  • Star Wars Takeover: Save the Galaxy! (nothing we don't already know)
  • Penguin Challenge: Rookie's Random Puzzles
  • Prize Booth
  • Rookiepedia: J
  • Cool Cribs
  • Posters (both Star Wars ones)
  • Penguin Challenge: Fashion Police
  • PH Planet
  • Penguin Challenge: Punchline Puzzles
  • Penguin Comic: Pack Napped!
  • Ask Aunt Arctic
  • VIP: Fatgoh
  • Next Issue: Free Parachute Penguin! Back to School Special! 3 Free items: Vintage Bundle for every reader. Plus 1500 coins for every reader. Issue 21 on sale 22nd August!
  • Back Cover: A Snow Ninja poster

  • You unlock a Gold Astro Helmet, Gold Astro Suit, and a Treasure Book Item of your choice by using the free unclokable code found in this month's issue.

    In the next magazine issue there will be 3 free items related to going back to school.

    What do you like best about this month's magazine issue? Let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment in the comments section below!
    Smelly Max
    Waddle on!

    Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 Full Walkthrough - Becoming A Jedi Master and Saving Tatooine

    The Club Penguin Star Wars Takeover 2013 is now on Club Penguin! Everyone can start saving the planet Tatooine in a visit to the outer space while members can becoming a Jedi Master

    Once you log into Club Penguin the official trailer of the party will start playing, but no worries if you've watched it already as you can close it by simply clicking on the 'X' on the top right corner of your screen. Then you'll either be inside the space ship or on a random room on Club Penguin. To head to the space ship if you weren't on it, head to the Dock and click on the big white space ship.

    This is what the full space ship looks like from inside:

    Make sure to click on Princess Cadence to receive your orders on how to save the galaxy from Darth Herbert and the Evil Empire.

    After you press on 'OK', you'll be equipped with a quest map added to the top right of your screen beside the Moderator badge.

    Using your quest map you can go to Club Penguin, the Millennium Falcon, planet Tatooine, the Death Star on August 1st, or planet Yavin 4 on the 8th of August. You can even watch the trailer of the party from this screen by clicking the 'play movie' button or even start becoming a Jedi Master as a member.

    Becoming a Jedi Master:

    Let's talk more about how to become a Jedi Master. To start becoming one, click on the 'Equip Lightsaber' from the quest map to equip the 'Anakin's Lightsaber', and then Obi-Wan Sensei will appear to explain to you how to become a Jedi Master.

    After equipping your Lightsaver, press D then 2 blue circles will appear. Wait for another Jedi to stand on one of them and then click on the circle under them to start a match against that Jedi.

    Continue your journey to earn some cool Jedi costumes.

    Once you win 30 duels you'll become a Jedi Master, and will be able to collect the following items:

    When you start battling another Jedi, you'll have to press on one of the 3 arrows that will appear to choose what position you're going to point your sword to when battling the Jedi, but be fast before time runs out.

    Saving Tatooine from the Stormtroopers:

    Let's get back to saving Tatooine from the Stormtroopers. Click on your quest map then click on the panet and some instructions will appear from cadence. Read them then press on 'Enter Tatooine' to head to the planet.

    Once you arrive at the planet, Princess Cadence will tell you to save the planet from the Stormtroopers by using your map to get around the planet and clicking on the hiding Stromtroopers to defeat them.

    You'll notice a hiding Stormtrooper just like the one below. Click on him to start battling some Stromtroopers in a new minigame.

    There are 3 levels in this game, and each has a free item to earn at the end. Level 1 is for everyone while 2 and 3 are for members only.

    To play this game you'll need to press using your mouse on a Stormtrooper once one appear and on your space bar to hide from one box to another from the 2. Make sure that the 2 boxes stay there or you will loose the game and have to repeat the level you lost.

    If a box got lots of damage, don't worry as R2-D2 will appear to fix the box for you when no Stromtroopers are shooting it.

    After battling lots of Stromtroopers in any level of the 3, a boss will appear. To defeat him, keep shooting him until his health bar runs out.

    After winning a level you get some coins.

    Don't forget to collect a free item when passing a level of the 3.

    Once you've passed all 3 levels, Princess Cadence will congrat you happily and will tell you to return August 1 to infiltrate the Death Star.

    Available party rooms:

    So far not all the party rooms of this party are available which are the rooms of the planet Tatooine. Here they're all with the planet's map:

    Party Catalogue:

    There's a special catalogue for this new party that contains items for both members and non members to buy.

    Page 1:

    Page 2:

    Page 3:

    Page 4:

    Page 5:

    Miscellaneous things:

    There are new emotes for this party.

    Some parts of the space ship are interactive. If sit on the sofa shown below, the monsters will appear and it will be as if you're playing.

    Stand near that ball and it will fly and shoot laser.

    Sit underneath the laser blasters and they'll start shooting.

    Members features:

    There are for sure some features of this huge party reserved for members only to access. Here they're:


    During this party, the following stamps can be earned:
    • Herbert - Be in the same room as Herbert
    • Target Champion - Hit 50 targets in a task at a party
    • Explorer - Visit all the decorated party rooms
    • Happy Room - Make 10 penguins smile in a room
    What do you like best at the Star Wars Takeover? Do you think it was worth the long wait? Let us know everything by leaving a comment in the comments section below.
    Waddle On!
    Smelly Max